
Kyivo-pecherska lavra

The Pecherska Lavra monastery was found­ed in 11 century. The building continued in for about 9 next centuries. The name Pecherska comes from the word «peshera» (cave) which was situated there. The monks used to live in these caves, more then 900 years the imperish­able bodies of the monastery's founders - the Venerable Theodosius and Anthony, Agapit the Healer, Nestor the Chronicler, and relics of others 118 saints are slept there.

Lavra is usually called some big monasteries, which by their sizes and buildings looked like small towns, with own streets («lavra» in Greek means «the street»). And the life in this monk's towns is submitted to such clear lows and orders, as it’s impossible to be a full monastic life without.

There are 102 stone constructions based in 26 hectares area, which are recognized architectural monuments. There are more than 60 thousand of the displays in the reserve funds. There are the easel painting works of art, works of arts and crafts and old-printed books.