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Английский язык (2 группа)

The analysis

35–60 points:You are a true extrovert. You enjoy being in a group. You have lots of self-confidence. You are an active practical person, and you are outward-looking. You enjoy making decisions and taking risks. But be careful; don’t be too much sure of yourself. Remember that you can hurt sensitive people by your lack of understanding.

26–34 points: Like many people, the outside world is as important to you as your own inner world. You are sometimes in between the extrovert and the introvert, and you can have the good qualities of both. But be careful that you haven’t all the bad qualities!

10–25 points: You are a true introvert. Your inner world of dreams and ideals is more important than the external world. You are neither realistic nor practical. You do not like showing your feelings to other people, in case they hurt you. Use your sensitivity to appreciate beautiful things and understand other people’s feelings.

Ex.15. Translate the following sentences paying attention to –ing forms.

1) They stopped a fast-runningtaxi. 2) Helicopters need very little space fortaking offandlanding.3) Indian Railways has designed and built a prototype double-deck carhavingseats for 148 passengers. 4) Railway transport is one of the cheapest ways ofhaulingfreight over long distances. 5) Russian trains run on 76 direct international lineslinkingMoscow with Paris, Copenhagen, Berne, Rome, Berlin and so on. 6)Having workedat the railway for several years, Paul gained much experience indrivingelectric locos. 7) I think thatwalkingis the best way oftraveling. 8)Having reachedthe river they stopped because there was no bridge across it. 9) This power station works 24 hours a day,supplyingfive million houses with electricity. 10) Around $1.2 billion is being spent onmodernizingthe 270 km suburban network of Sao Paolo (Brasil); this includesbuyingnew trains,refurbishing existingstock,renewingsignaling equipment, plusconstructingnew railway stations,rebuildingold ones andlayingnew tracks. 11)Talkingon cellular phones whiledrivingis very dangerous, that is why it is banned. 12) Engineers aretryingto find the ways ofreducing the cost ofelectrifyingrailways. 13) The Moscow railway junction, the largest terminal in this country, is equipped with up-to-date devicesprovidingcoordinated operation of all the services. 14)Stoppingfuel supply caused serious trouble in the engine. 15) Two or more locomotives are used forpullingtrainsconsistingof 80 freight cars. 16)Having testedthe new locomotive, the engineers recommended it for series production. 17) Whenfillingin the form, you must write your name and address clearly. 18)Passingby a shop window, he paid attention to the picture exhibited there.

Ex.16. Read and translate the following word combinations paying attention to the attributive groups.


▫ the engine breakdown ▫ an emergency stopping device ▫ the ten car train

▫ high-speed train movement ▫ the super express railway line ▫ the train tickets

▫ the physics laboratory keys ▫ the locomotive and car-repair plant ▫ energy consumption

▫ the bus route length increase ▫ a 1,000 horse-power diesel engine ▫ a motor-car body

▫ the traffic safety rules ▫ steam locomotive efficiency ▫ a car service station

▫ 200 miles long railway ▫ the commuter train derailment ▫ energy source

▫ the car speed calculation ▫ the vertical take-off airplane ▫ the car parking-lot

▫ track repair work ▫ the train movement speed ▫ a bridge pile

▫ an engine cooling system ▫ the high-quality steel production ▫ the go-anywhere car

▫ a remote control device ▫ a standard gauge express railway ▫ the iron ore train

▫ the low-grade cheap fuel ▫ the plush, aircraft-type seats ▫ the standard length rails

▫ the rush hour traffic jam ▫ the environment protection ▫ a truck-stop cafe


▪ срок службы электровоза ▪ выставка железнодорожного транспорта

▪ реконструкция старого вокзала ▪ электронная система информирования пассажиров

▪ центр управления движением ▪ история строительства железных дорог

▪ вес грузового поезда ▪ стоимость содержания пути в исправном состоянии

▪ система энергоснабжения ▪ увеличение длины грузовых составов

▪ линия с узкой шириной колеи ▪ длина железнодорожного тоннеля

▪ время отправления экспресса ▪ мощность нового двигателя

Ex.17. Read and translate the following sentences using the predicates in the required tense and voice forms.

1) The new three wagon Tank Train [to testPresent Perfect Passive] in severe winter conditions on the Alaska Railroad. 2) She [to tellPast Indefinite Passive] in the enquiry office that the schedule of this commuter train [to changePast Perfect Passive]. 3) This line [to upgradePresent Continuous Passive] to carry heavier volumes of freight and passenger traffic. 4) The track repair work [to delay – Past Indefinite Active] the arrival of the trains. 5) A diesel engine [to belongPresent Indefinite Active] to a class of internal combustion engines. 6) Liquid goods [to transportPresent Indefinite Passive] in tank cars. 7) The freight train [to move – Past Continuous Active] at a high speed when the engine driver [to see – Past Indefinite Active] that the line [to damage – Past Indefinite Passive]. 8) The equipment [to pack Present Perfect Passive] already into boxes and now it [to loadPresent Continuous Passive] into the container. 9) The new automated control system [to eliminate – Future Indefinite Active] all types of accidents which can be caused by the driver’s error. 10) Railway track [to strengthenFuture Indefinite Passive] on this section of the mainline because it [to plan – Present Indefinite Passive] to increase the volume of freight traffic here.

Ex.18. Find grammar mistakes in the following sentences and correct them. The number of mistakes is pointed out in brackets.

1) Nowadays London’s transport move only 4 km fastest than at 1912. [3] 2) Most big trucks are running on diesel fuel. [1] 3) Train fares were been increase by 10% in recent years. [2] 4) There is special lanes for buses at some streets. [2] 5) Railway engineers have designed a lot of device which finds its application in other branches industry. [4] 6) The seats of improve design have been fitted in the automobile. [1] 7) Machines were replaced hard manual labor of loaders. [1] 8) Kerosene is a fuel using in jet engines. [1] 9) We don’t have to wait long a buses in the morning because they frequent run. [3] 10) Our company installs computers free of charge but it don’t repair it. [2] 11) The train arrived in the station according the schedule. [2] 12) The car repair will not take many time. [1] 13) The insurance company will pay for repairing of the damaging car. [2] 14) I were in such a hurry that I did not had time to phone you. [2]

Ex.19. Write negative sentences instead of positive ones.

1) The old railway terminal will be upgraded next year. 2) The accident was my fault so I had to pay for the damage to the other car. 3) The very first railways were used for transporting passengers. 4) There are dining cars in the commuter trains. 5) I have an extra ticket. 6) Freight electric locos develop a speed of 300 km/h. 7) He goes by bus to work because he prefers to walk. 8) I like to travel by sea because I am seasick. 9) We can imagine life without gas, electricity and other modern conveniences. 10) Electricity has many useful properties: it generates by-products and contaminates the environment. 11) The maintenance team had finished the repair of the track by 6 p.m. 12) I think he will get this job because he has enough experience. 14) The car was tested on the mountain roads. 15) I know why John has answered my letter. 16) He said anything. 17) Bus №10 runs here any longer. 18) They charge for parking near the office. 19) There were many people near the booking office. 19) He has booked a return ticket and now it may be difficult to buy it for a direct train. 20) I can guarantee that he will be able to install the equipment in time. He is a man to rely on.


Before reading and translating the text match the words in the left column with their translation on the right.