Computer systems
[1] A computer is known to be a device that has the ability to accept, store and process enormous quantities of data. Computers can be divided into three main types, depending on their size and power.
Mainframe computers are the largest and most powerful. They can handle large amounts of information very quickly and can be used by many people at the same time. They usually fill a whole room and are sometimes referred to as computer installations. They are found in large institutions and government departments.
Minicomputers, commonly known as minis, are smaller and less powerful than mainframes. They are about the size of an office desk and are usually found in banks and offices. They are becoming less popular as microcomputers are being improved.
Microcomputers, commonly known as micros, are the smallest and least powerful. They are about the size of a typewriter. They can handle smaller amounts of information at a time and are slower than the other two types. They are ideal for use as home computers and are also used in education and business. More powerful microcomputers are being gradually produced; therefore they are becoming the most commonly used type of computers.
[2] A computer can do very little until it is given some information. This is known as the input and usually consists of a program (a set of instructions, written in a special computer language, telling the computer what operations and processes are to be carried out and in what order they should be done) and some data (the particular information that has to be processed by the computer). Data brought out of the computer is known as output. Information in the form of programs and data is called software.
[3] The pieces of equipment making up the computer system are known as hardware.
The most important item of hardware is the CPU (Central Processing Unit). It contains the processor and the main memory. The processor is the brain of the computer. It does all the processing and controls all the other devices in the computer system. The main memory is the part of the computer where programs and data being used by the processor can be stored. However, it has a limited capacity.
[4] All the other devices in the computer system, which can be connected to the CPU, are known as peripherals. These include input devices, output devices and storage devices.
▪ An input device is a peripheral, which enables information to be fed into the computer. The most commonly used input device is a keyboard, similar to a typewriter keyboard.
▪ An output device is a peripheral, which enables information to be brought out of the computer, usually to display the processed data. The most commonly used output device is a specially adapted television known as a monitor or VDU (Visual Display Unit). Another common output device is a printer. It prints the output of the CPU onto paper.
▪ A storage device is a peripheral used for the permanent storage of information. It has a much greater capacity than the main memory and commonly uses magnetic tape or magnetic disks as the storage medium.
These are the main peaces of hardware of any computer system whether a small “micro” or a large mainframe system.
Ex.21. Match each component in column A with its function in column B.
1) storage device a) It allows data to be entered. With it you communicate with your
2) monitor b) It is used to introduce coordinates into a computer. Moving it on
the surface of the table we control the movement of the cursor on the screen.
3) keyboard c) It does all the processing and controls the peripherals.
4) main memory d) It is used to record, store information and to pass data to or from
another computer.
5) processor e) It is used to print texts or graphics.
6) printer f) It provides permanent storage for programs and data.
7) mouse g) It holds the programs and data being used by the processor.
8) floppy disk h) It is used to rotate disks.
9) cursor i) It is a mark on the display's screen showing the place where actions
are taking place.
10) disk drive j) It displays the processed data.
Ex.22. Answer the following questions.
1) What is the computer? 2) What are the main types of computers? 3) What type of computers is the most suitable for home use? 4) What are the reasons of buying home computers? 5) What is a program? 6) What is data? 7) How is information in the form of programs and data called? 8) What is hardware? 9) What is the most important item of hardware? 10) What does the Central Processing Unit contain? 11) What are the functions of processor and main memory? 12) What devices are called peripherals? 13) What are the functions of input device, output devices, storage device? 14) Do you like playing computer games? 15) What are your favorite video-games (shoot them all, walk-through, role-playing games, or intellectual games)? 16) How often do you work with the computer? 17) Does knowledge of English help to operate the computer better? 18) Who can be called a computer wizard? Do you attribute his/her success to hard work or talent? 19) Are you baffled by computer language?
Read and translate the following text using a dictionary.
- Министерство путей сообщения Российской Федерации
- Подписано в печать Формат 60х84 1/16. Бумага писчая. Печать офсетная. Усл. П. Л.
- Mind the prepositions
- About after at [3] for [2] from in [3] into [2] of [7] on to [2] with [3]
- Grammar review
- Present, Past, Future Indefinite Active and Passive)
- Lilliputian train*
- Samara state railway academy
- A) The school I went to
- B) Entering the Academy
- C) You are a freshman now
- Cambridge
- Students' life
- 1) What are students “sconced” [штрафовать] for?
- 2) What do the so-called “Bulldogs” do if a student whom they come up to runs away?
- 3) In what case is “Boredom Button” pushed?
- Traveling by train
- Mind the prepositions
- 1) В час пик a) a four- or five-car set
- According to at [3] by [3] for [6] forward to from [3] in [5] on [6] of [3] to [4] with without
- Grammar review (Modal verbs and their equivalents; Present, Past, Future Continuous Active and Passive)
- On the platform
- Mistaken identity (after m. Twain)
- To arrive to catch to cost to get to go to leave to reach to take
- Dialogue 1
- Dialogue 2
- Dialogue 3
- Dialogue 4
- The man who took notice of all the notices
- How to avoid travelling (after g. Mikes)
- 4.50 From paddington (after a. Christie)
- From the history of railway transport
- Mind the prepositions
- According to [4] as far as [2] because of [2] by means of [3] due to in addition to [2] in front of in order to [3] on account of owing to in spite of [3]
- About at [2] before by [4] for from [3] on of [2] to [4] with
- Grammar review
- (Degrees of comparison of adjectives and adverbs;
- Present, Past, Future Perfect Active and Passive)
- From the history of railway transport Part 1
- (A) начало строительства железных дорог в россии
- (B) the oldest railway in russia
- The stephenson family
- The brunels family
- George westinghouse (1846 – 191
- Casey jones (1864 – 1900)
- The trans-siberian mainline
- The rise and fall of the american rail system
- Underground railways
- Grammar review (Indefinite, Continuous, Perfect Active and Passive; Participle I, Participle II)
- 8) If ___ alone, the dog could spoil many things at home.
- 10) When ___ the street, be careful at the crossroads.
- 6) Having entered the room f) through the locked door.
- Underground railways
- London underground Part 1
- Moscow underground
- Метро в самаре
- Modern railways
- Mind the prepositions
- Against [2] at because of for [2] in [2] instead of of [3] on with grammar review (Gerund; attributive groups)
- To answer to change to finish to fly to go to help to install to lose to make to pass to pay to see to show to take part to take up to test to think
- After [3] before [3] by [2] for [3] instead of on [2] without [4]
- The analysis
- 1) Tractive stock a) курсы повышения квалификации
- Российские железные дороги
- Rio revives the commuter rail network
- India’s railway project
- Usa (Dallas) light rail* arrives in the lone star state
- Tunnels and bridges
- Движение исследование неудача оставаться [2] паром переходить приводить к проект следовать стоимость шум экстренный
- Grammar review (Infinitive; Complex Object; Complex Subject; attributive groups)
- Channel tunnel (Part 1)
- (Part 2)
- Progress in tunnel engineering
- Bridge construction
- Computers
- Access e-mail error fax machine file hard disk keyboard mouse processing remote control rewind screen screen saver sounded spread switch on
- Grammar review (Conditional Clauses. Different functions of the verbs to be and to have. Compound Conjunctions.)
- Computer systems
- Feed in english, print out in french
- Heartless unfeeling soulless indifferent inhuman liable to error/ subject to error to provide an enormous variety of choice to reduce the element of risk it depends
- Viruses and vaccines
- Mother should have warned you!
- Hackers of today
- Keep clicking!
- Surfing the net
- 10 Программистов
- How modern are you? (pop quiz)
- Add up your score and read the analysis
- The analysis
- Supplementary texts
- [1] Railways
- [2] Passenger transportation in the usa
- [3] The battle of the gauges Part 1
- [4] Development of american railroads
- [5] Sleeping cars in the usa
- [6] Monorail
- [7] Street railway*
- [8] Building the railroad
- [9] French transport
- [10] Australian transport
- [11] Сhinese railways
- [12] Japanese transportation
- [13] Railroad modernization
- [14] Advances in transportation
- [15] Bridges
- [16] Charles babbage (1792–1871)
- [17] Automation in transportation.
- Краткий грамматический справочник
- § 1. Глагол to be
- § 2. Глагол to have
- § 4. Функции глагола to be
- § 5. Функции глагола to have
- § 6. Основные формы глагола
- § 7. Времена групп Indefinite, Continuous, Perfect в действительном и страдательном залогах
- Спряжение глагола to ask в действительном залоге
- Перевод глагола to write в разных временах
- Спряжение глагола to ask в страдательном залоге
- § 8. Согласование времён (Sequence of Tenses)
- § 9. Модальные глаголы (Modal Verbs)
- § 10. Эквиваленты модальных глаголов (Equivalents of Modal Verbs)
- § 11. Порядок слов в утвердительных предложениях
- § 12. Порядок слов в вопросительных предложениях
- Порядок слов в вопросительных предложениях с простым сказуемым
- § 13. Порядок слов в отрицательных предложениях
- § 14. Притяжательный падеж имени существительного (The Possessive Case)
- § 15. Степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий (Comparison Degrees of Adjectives and Adverbs)
- § 16. Личные и притяжательные местоимения (Personal and Possessive Pronouns)
- § 17. Причастие (The Participle)
- Participle I
- 1) Часть составного глагольного сказуемого в Continuous.
- Participle II
- 1) Часть составного глагольного сказуемого.
- § 18. Герундий (The Gerund)
- Формы герундия
- Функции герундия в предложении и способы его перевода на русский язык
- § 19. Функции слов с окончанием -ing в предложении
- § 20. Функции слов с окончанием -ed в предложении
- § 21. Инфинитив (The Infinitive)
- Формы инфинитива
- Функции инфинитива в предложении и способы его перевода на русский язык
- § 22. Инфинитивная конструкция “Сложное дополнение” (The Complex Object)
- § 23. Инфинитивная конструкция “Сложное подлежащее” (The Complex Subject)
- § 24. Условные предложения
- § 25. Разные способы выражения определения в английском языке
- Список использованной литературы