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Английский язык (2 группа)

§ 10. Эквиваленты модальных глаголов (Equivalents of Modal Verbs)

must = to have to, to be to

can = to be able to

may = to be allowed to




have to

has to

должен, приходится

He has to work hard. – Ему приходится много работать.

had to

должен был, пришлось

He had to work hard. – Ему пришлось много работать.

shall have to

will have to


He will have to work hard. – Ему придётся много работать.

am to

is to

are to

должен, вынужден

The train is to arrive at 5. – Поезд должен прийти в 5.

was to

were to

должен был, вынужден был

The train was to arrive at 5. – Поезд должен был прибыть в 5.

am able to

is able to

are able to

мочь, уметь

He is able to run 10 km. – Он может пробежать 10 км.

was able to

were able to

смог, сумел

He was able to run 10 km. – Он смог пробежать 10 км.

shall be able to

will be able to

сможет, сумеет

He will be able to run 10 km. – Он сможет пробежать 10 км.

am allowed to

is allowed to

are allowed to

мочь, иметь разрешение

She is allowed to operate the computer. – Ей разрешают работать на компьютере.

was allowed to

were allowed to


She was allowed to operate the computer. – Ей разрешили поработать на компьютере.

shall be allowed to

will be allowed to

сможем, разрешат

She will be allowed to operate the computer. – Ей разрешат поработать на компьютере.