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Unit 13

Topic: At the Exhibition. Scientific Conference

Grammar: 1. Direct and Indirect Statements

2. Sequence of Tenses

I Phonetic skills.

1. Listen and repeat:

1. exhibition [eksi'bi∫(ə)n]

2. launch [lƆ:nt∫]

3. manufacture [mænju'fækt∫ə]

4. competitive [kəm′petitiv]

5. equipment [i′kwipmənt]

6. comprehensively [kəmpri′hensivli]

2. Listen and remember the following phrases:

  1. trade fair – торгівельний ярмарок

  2. to exhibit products – виставляти товари

  3. footwear manufacturing – виробництво взуття

  4. to take over all the promises – перевершити всі обіцянки

  5. modern machining – сучасне обладнання

  6. competitive participants – конкурентоспроможні учасники

  7. to draw conclusion – робити висновок

  8. supplier's claim – вимога постачальника

II Reading Skills.

1. Read and remember:

  1. international exhibition – міжнародна виставка

  2. potential buyer – потенційний покупець

  3. simple customer – простий покупець

  4. technological process – технологічний процес

  5. to be appreciated by – бути оціненим кимось

2. Read and translate the text:

Exhibition. International Exhibition of Light Industry Achievements

Trade fairs and exhibitions usually attract thousands of visitors and many potential buyers among them. So trade associations of Ukraine never lose a chance to exhibit their products at international fairs and exhibitions both abroad and at home. They help to promote our goods to new markets and launch new products in the markets already developed. Many international domestic exhibitions are held in all parts of Ukraine. Especially clothing fairs and exhibitions of light industry products draw attention of thousands of buyers: different companies, firms, factories and just simple customers.

Last month the International Exhibition of Light Industry Achievements was held in Kyiv. Some group of students from our University attended that exhibition. As for young specialists in this industry they were interested in communicating directly with producers, engineers and technological workers engaged in the process of clothes and footwear manufacturing. Then they discussed it and shared their impressions and thoughts in the specialized seminar at the University.

The teacher reported first: "The exhibition pavilion of Expocentre has taken over all the promises and expectations. Many companies from Great Britain, Italy, Poland, the USA, Russia, France, Switzerland and other countries of Europe took part in it.

Foreign trade organizations or their representatives could negotiate at the commercial centre for the sale and purchase. The newest collection of outdoor wear, light indoor wear, linen, leather goods, footwear, and equipment for light industry were represented there."

Ukrainian exhibits impressed the group. Ukrainian section was competitive and well represented. The section drew attention by a fine display of textiles. Many competitive companies of Ukraine producing ready-made clothes were highly appreciated by foreign participants. High quality of textiles, modern design and high level of sewing were mentioned by them. Footwear section was also widely represented, both by Ukrainian and by foreign companies.

Modern machining and equipment for all branches of light industry were mainly represented by German, French, Austrian delegations. These sections drew attention of factory representatives, engineers, technical workers most of all.

Simple customers who came there to see the latest achievements of light industry could afford themselves to buy some garments or footwear in retail. They got a lot of necessary and useful information about new exhibitions, future intentions and plans.

At last the head of the seminar made his final speech and drew a conclusion: "So, why should one visit an exhibition? Only exhibitions allow you to put a suppliers’ claim comprehensively to the test – by examining the products for yourself, questioning their creators, and comparing and contrasting their performance."