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2. Make up a plan of the text in the form of questions.

3. Give the summary of the text according to your plan in a written form.

V Comprehensive skills.

1. Read and remember:

  1. 'Emerald Isle' – „Смарагдовий острів”

  2. to have а great impact – мати вплив

  3. turns of speech – мовні звороти

  4. to derive – походити, виникати

  5. ale – ель

  6. apparently – безсумнівно

  7. funky – дуже модний (сленг)

  8. exaggeration – перебільшення

  9. to lead astray – спантеличувати, збити зі шляху

  10. flair – схильність

  11. to hail from – бути родом з

2. Listen to the text “Ireland” and try to understand it.

3. True or false:

1. The two languages in Ireland are Irish and English.

2. Ireland is a young country.

3. Ireland is the country of legends and fairy-tales.

4. Ireland’s greatest contribution to world culture is in the field of light industry.

5. The capital of Ireland is Dublin.

6. The Irish English speech is more vivid, with a flair for picturesque exaggeration.

7. People of Ireland are charming.

8. Oscar Wilde, Samuel Beckett and George Bernard Shaw are of Irish origin.

9. The English of Ireland doesn’t differ from the standard literary English.

10. Ireland has had а great impact оn Gaelic-language literature.