9Meat processing 10oil refining centre nNasa (National Aeronautics and Space Administration)
вигодовувати худобу;
товари широкого вжитку;
займатися (чим-небудь);
переробка м’яса;
нафтопереробний центр;
національне управління з аеронавтики та дослідження космічного простору.
Ukraine possesses considerable potential in such sectors of the economy as machine engineering, aerospace, telecommunications, textile, clothing, footwear, and agriculture (due to its unique black soil).
Furthermore, Ukraine has a powerful defence industry, significant scientific potential and has shown considerable achievements in the field of designing brand1new technologies that meet international standard requirements2.
Machine engineering and military industrial complexes have started to produce about 200types of new products which had not been manufactured in Ukraine before. Among them are food-processing machinery, medical equipment, transportation vehicles, construction materials and equipment, small
farming machines and home appliances .
Ukraine’s major industrial area is in the south-east, namely the Donbas and the Prydniprovye region (Kryvyi Rih coal basin, Zaporizhia, and Dnepropetrovsk). Concentrated here are coal mines, iron and manganese ore deposits, metallurgical plants relating to the chemical, petrochemical and machine building plants and power stations.
Among the 150 branches of the national economy, one of the leading is ferrous metallurgy.
In the field of non-ferrous metallurgy4, Ukraine holds the monopoly in the CIS in the manufacture of metallic titanium which is of vital importance for the economy.
The Ukrainian chemical industry produces mineral fertilizers, soda, chemical fibres, plastics and other products.
The petrochemical industry of Ukraine is capable of refining 62 million tons of crude oil5per year.
1brand -фабрична марка;
Requirements - вимоги;
home appliances - техніка домашнього вжитку;
4non-ferrous metallurgy -кольорова металургія;
5crude oil -сира нафта.
Glimpses of history1of money
At different periods of time and in different parts of the world many different commodities have served as money. These commodities were: cattle, sheep, furs, leather, fish, tobacco, tea, salt, shells etc. The experts underline that to serve effectively as money, a commodity should be fairly durable, easily divisible, and portable. None of the above-mentioned commodities possessed all these qualities, and in time they were superseded by precious metals.
First they were superseded4by silver and later by gold.
When a payment was made the metal was first weighed out. The next stage was the cutting of the metal into pieces of definite weight and so coins came into use. Paper money first came into use in the form of receipts given by goldsmiths in exchange for deposits of silver and gold coins. After goldsmiths became bankers their receipts became banknotes. That's how the first banknotes came into existence5. At first coins were worth6their face value7as metal. But
later token coins of limited value as legal tender were issued. Now smaller denomination coins are made from bronze and are often referred to as coppers. Bigger denomination coins are made from cupronickel and are usually called silver.
glimpses of history 2commodity
above-mentioned 4to supersede 5to come into existence 6worth 7face value otoken coin
дещо про походження;
предмети вжитку;
виникнути, з’явитися;
номінальна вартість;
розмінна монета.
- Граматика сучасної англійської мови
- Англійський алфавіт Граматика: Англійський алфавіт The English Alphabet
- Артикль Граматика: Артикль. Вживання неозначеного та означеного артикля. Відсутність артикля перед обчислюваними іменниками. Вживання артикля з власними іменниками. The Article.
- Прикметник Граматика: Прикметник The Adjective.
- Числівник
- 6.8 Практичні завдання
- 6.9 Підсумкові тести з граматики
- 1. Дайте вірну відповідь (a, b, c або d)
- Прийменник
- Indefinite tenses
- Перфектні часи
- I haveworked
- I have locked the door.
- Узгодження часів
- Модальні дієслова Граматика: Модальні дієслова. Modal Verbs.
- I didn’tdo it, because Ihad togo home.
- Типи питальних речень Граматика: Типи питальних речень. Tapes of Questions.
- Пасивний стан дієслова Граматика: Пасивний стан дієслова. The passive voice
- I (we) should have been examined.
- Інфінітив Граматика: Інфінітив the infinitive
- It was pleasant to be driving a car Приємно було знову вести again.Автомобіль.
- It wasn't safe to cross the bridge at Переходити через міст вночі було night.Небезпечно.
- I want to paint. Я хочу малювати.
- Invitation. Запрошення.
- They sent me to Spain to learn Spanish.
- 1. Об'єктний інфінітивний комплекс вживається після дієслів, що виражають сприймання за допомогою органів чуття: to see бачити; to hear чути; to feel почувати; to watch, to observe спостерігати;
- 2. Об'єктний інфінітивний комплекс вживається після дієслів, що виражають бажання, намір, почуття: to want хотіти; to wish, to desire
- I saw him drophis bag.
- No, I want you to make a speech.
- They appeared to have lost the way.
- I thought of coming to see you.
- I hadn’t much hope of his plan у мене було мало надії на те, що
- 14 Angry wouldn’t help.
- I think I hear Hector back.
- 7 My sister about it hurts me.
- I suspected that Mr. Heng was the more likely my presence.
- I drank slowly the green bitter tea, the handless cup from palm to
- It 's natural for you that money governs England.
- It was long after sunset, but no one thought of to bed.
- 3. He found Dora a novel in their bedroom.
- 4 From the expedition he wrote a book about Central Africa.
- 10 His work, he seemed more pleased than usual.
- 9. Make your daughter you.
- I'd buy the watch tomorrow but the я купив би годинник завтра, але shop will be closed.Магазин буде зачинений.
- If you are free, I shall come to see you.
- If I (to have) his telephone number, I should easily settle this matter with him.
- New York
- Great Britain
- My First Day in London
- 1I was dying to find out more about it
- Benjamin Franklin
- In the world . He went to New York, but not finding any work there, went to Philadelphia. He arrived there dirty and hungry.
- Interesting experiments were made in his classes. Both he and his student- assistants worked long hours in preparing the demonstrations so that all would go well.1
- In addition to this work Mendeleyev paid much attention to many subjects of an applied chemical nature He was the first to put forward the idea of studying the upper layers of the atmosphere.
- 9To be engaged in something
- 10Yields
- It is also a biggest seaport of the Hudson River. Industry of consumer goods is also developed here.
- 4Fertile
- 6To raise livestock
- 9Meat processing 10oil refining centre nNasa (National Aeronautics and Space Administration)
- Basic terms in foreign trade
- 5Gross National Product6earnings
- What is a computer?
- 1You can get the computer to sort -можливо змусити еом
- From the history of computers
- 450 Друкованих знаків за хвилину (для навчального читання).
- Граматика сучасної англійської мови