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Invitation. Запрошення.

  1. Інфінітив вживається в ролі означення:

І have no right to ask.Я не маю права запитувати.

Suddenly she felt the need to speak. Раптом вона відчула потребу


Інфінітив у функції означення часто має модальне значення, виражаючи можливість або повинність; у таких випадках інфінітив перекладається на українську мову підрядним означальним реченням:

We made a list of the things to be Ми склали список речей, які треба taken. було взяти з собою.

The car to be used did not belong toАвтомашина, якою мали їхати, не Sparcer.належала Спарсеру.

Інфінітив у функції означення може вказувати на призначення предмета, вираженого іменником або займенником, до якого відноситься інфінітив:

Have you got anything to eat? У вас є що-небудь поїсти?

She brought me a book to read. Вона принесла мені почитати книжку.

Інфінітив-означення після слів the first, the second, the last та ін., перекладається на українську мову особовою (предикативною) формою дієслова:

Не was the first to come. Він прийшов першим.

  1. Інфінітив вживається у функції обставини мети:

І have come hereto meet her.Я прийшов сюди, щоб зустріти її.

То earn a living, he became aЩоб заробити на прожиття, він

salesman. став продавцем.

Інфінітив вживається в ролі обставини наслідку:

She is old enough to go to work.Вона вже досить доросла, щоб іти


It was too hot to go out into the town.Було надто жарко, щоб іти в місто.

Перед інфінітивом у ролі підмета, іменної частини присудка, додатка й означення можуть вживатися займенники what, whom, whose, which, прислівники where, when, how, why і сполучники whether та if. Такі інфінітивні групи вживаються найчастіше у функції додатка:

Я знав, де її шукати.

! knew where to look for her.

! don't know how to do it.

We don't know what to do with these people.

Я не знаю, як це зробити.

Ми не знаємо, що робити з цими людьми.

  1. Практичні завдання

Вправа 1. Перекладіть речення рідною мовою, звертаючи увагу на форму інфінітиву.

1. I am awfully gladto have met you. 2. I do not liketo be interrupted.

  1. Which is more pleasant : to give orto be given presents? 4. I hopeto see you on Monday. 5. I am sorryto have kept you waiting. 6. I am happyto have

  2. been living in Kiev for 25 years. 7. She didn’t wantto be found. 8. He is sorryto have said it.9. He seemsto be reading now. 10. I wantto be sent to England. 11. We were sorryto have missed the train. 12. I am sorrynot to have been informed about it. 13. We are happyto have helped him. 14. I am happyto have been examined yesterday. 15. He asked meto wait. 16. She beganto talk.

Вправа 2. Розкрийте дужки, добираючи необхідну форму інфінітива.

1. He seems (to read) a lot. 2. He seems (to read) now. 3. He seems (to read) since morning. 4. I want (to take) you to the concert. 5. I want (to take) to the concert by my father. 6. She hoped (to help) her friends. 7. She hoped (to help) by her friends. 8. I am glad (to do) all the homework yesterday. 9. I am sorry (to break) your pen. 10. He is glad (to see) all his friends here. 11. He was happy (to praise) by everybody.

Вправа 3. Перекладіть речення рідною мовою , звертаючи увагу на форму та функції інфінітива.

1. Our task is to test this device. 2. The device to be tested is in our laboratory. 3.To live is to work and study. 4. We have to master our speciality at the Academy. 5. He helped me to translate this difficult paper. 6. To achieve better results we must repeat the experiment. 7. This device is used to measure the electric energy. 8. We made a list of the things to be taken. 9. To earn a living, he became a salesman. 10. To know everything is to know nothing. 11. Show me the text to be translated today. 12. Popov was the first to invent the radio. 13. Every time my friend is the last to come.

Вправа 4.Замініть підрядні речення інфінітивами за зразком.

  1. Model: He is so old that he cannot skate.

He is too old to skate.

1. The problem is so difficult that it is impossible to solve it.2. The box is so heavy that nobody can carry it.3. The baby is so little that it cannot walk. 4.She is so busy that she cannot talk to you. 5. The rule was so difficult that they did not understand it.6. He was so stupid that he did not see the joke.

  1. Model: I have no books which I can read.

  1. have no books to read.

1. I have only a few minutes in which I can explain these words to you. 2. I have an examinationwhich I must take soon, so I can’t go to the concert with you. 3. Here is a new brushwhich you will clean your teeth with. 4. Here are some articleswhich must be translated for tomorrow. 5. I have bought a bookwhich you can read now. 6. Here are some more factswhich will prove that your theory is correct.

  1. Model: He was the first man who arrived.

He was the first (man) to arrive.

  1. The captain was the last who left the ship. 2. He was the first manwho swam the Channel. 3.I was surprisedwhen I heard that he had left his native town. 4. He was the only onewho realized the danger. 5. I can’t go to the party; I have nothingthat I can wear.

  1. Model: They sent me to Spain, they wanted me to learn Spanish.