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2. Answer the questions using the information from the text.

1. What is the official name of the British flag?

2. What does it symbolize?

3. What flags is the Union Flag made up of?

4. Why is not Welsh flag included in the Union flag?

5. What is the national anthem of the United Kingdom called?

3. Read the passage below and tell about the theories explaining the origin of the name ‘Union Jack’?


*”‘Union Jack’ was officially acknowledged as an alternative name for the Union Flag by the Admiralty and Parliament in the early 20th century. The term 'jack' refers to the flag that is flown from the bowsprit of a ship, often denoting nationality.” ("Union Flag," Microsoft® Encarta® Online Encyclopedia 2005uk.encarta.msn.com © 1997-2005 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.)

*The Union Flag is commonly known as the Union Jack, although the exact origin of the name is unclear. One explanation is that it gets its name from the "jack staff" of naval vessels from which the original Union Flag was flown. (www.number-10.gov.uk)

*Historian David Starkey said in the Channel 4 TV programme that the Union Flag is called 'Jack' because it is named after James l of Great Britain (Jacobus , Latin for James), who introduced the flag following his accession to the throne.


Write a passage about the Russian flag: what elements it comprises, its history etc. What are the other symbols of the Russian Federation?


Answer the questions of the “Union Jack Quiz” in Unit 14. Supplements.



The text you are about to read contains facts and information about the languages spoken in Britain, the history of English and modern usage of English. Discuss the following questions with your partner and share your ideas with the group:

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