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Public holidays in the united kingdom

Public holidays in Britain were introduced in Victorian times as a way of the working classes getting some respite from the grind of unremitting work. Public holidays are now a tradition observed in the countries of the United Kingdom. British people tend to call their public holidays ‘bank holidays’, because these are days on which banks are legally closed. If the bank holiday falls on a Saturday or Sunday, then the government decree the following Monday as the holiday.

There are several public holidays a year in Great Britain which are the days when people need not go to work. They are: Christmas Day (25th December), Boxing Day (26th December), New Year’s Day, Good Friday*, Easter* Monday (day after Easter), May Day, Spring Bank Holiday (the last Monday in May) and Late Summer Bank Holiday (the last Monday in August).

All the public holidays, except Christmas Day and Boxing Day* observed on December 25th and 26th respectively, are movable that means they do not fall on the same day each year. Shops, museums and other public attractions, such as historic houses and sports centres, may close on certain public holidays, particularly Christmas Day.

Christmas and New Year is the one time that most British people take a real public holiday. The whole nation virtually closes down for two weeks. On bank holidays millions of people get into their cars and head for the coast. Sensible people stay off the roads on public holidays. Tourists need to be aware of them as hotels in resort areas will have no spare rooms if you turn up without a reservation.

Besides public holidays, there are other holidays, for example Pancake Day* and Bonfire Night*, on which certain traditions are observed, but unless they fall on a Sunday, they are ordinary working days.


*Good Friday - Страстная, Великая пятница

*Easter - Пасха (праздник)

*Boxing Day - День подарков, 26 декабря

*Pancake Day - вторник на Масленой неделе

*Bonfire Night - "ночь Гая Фокса"


Answer the questions on the text.

  1. Why were public holidays introduced in Britain?

  2. Why do people call public holidays ‘bank’ holidays?

  3. What public holidays are observed on strict dates?

  4. Are public attractions open on bank holidays?

  5. Where do people traditionally spend their bank holidays in spring and summer?

  6. Is Pancake Day a public holiday in Britain?

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