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Black pudding



1. Heat the butter in a pan and cook the onions until soft but not browned.

2. Mix the onions with the cubed fat and oatmeal. Mix well and season with salt, pepper and the paprika.

3. Add the blood and mix well with your hands to ensure a sloppy consistency. Leave to cool.

4. Pipe the mixture into the ox casings. At regular intervals tie the bag off to make individual sausage-shaped black puddings. Prick each pudding to ensure it doesn't split whilst being cooked.

5. Heat a large pan of water to 80C and add the black puddings. Cook for about 10 minutes; it is vital that you continually move them around while cooking.

6. Remove from the pan and leave to cool.

Yandex.RTB R-A-252273-3
Yandex.RTB R-A-252273-4