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Lord Mayor’s Show

The London calendar is distinguished by many picturesque events and ceremonies, the best known among which is the Lord Mayor's* Show.

The local power of the City of London is headed by the Lord Mayor who is elected every year from among the most prominent citizens. The splendid ceremony of election dates back more than six hundred years. The second Saturday in November is always the day for the ceremony known as Lord Mayor’s Show.

Today's show is a wonderful mixture of past, present and future. Starting from the Guildhall* at about 11.30 a.m., the newly-elected Lord Mayor travels in a gilded coach which dates from the mid-eighteenth century. The long colourful procession, made up of people wearing special costumes and acting stories from London’s history moves along the narrow streets of the City*.

It is always watched by many thousands of people, who crowd the streets of the City of London to see and admire this interesting procession.


*Lord Mayor [ֽlƆ:d´mɛə] -лорд-мэр (титул главы муниципалитета некоторых крупных городов Англии, Уэльса и Северной Ирландии)

*the Guildhall - ратуша в Лондоне

*City — Сити, деловой и исторический центр Лондона

!!! Read more interesting information about the Queen and the royal family in Unit 14. Supplements.

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