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Guy Fawkes Night

A typical British festival takes place on November 5th. It commemorates the discovery of the so-called Gunpowder Plot, and is widely celebrated all over the country. On that day in 1605 Guy Fawkes tried to blow up the Houses of Parliament. The plot was discovered and the conspirator was executed. The historical meaning of the event is no longer important, but the children of Britain never forget Guy Fawkes.

November 5 is a day on which children are allowed, under proper supervision, to let off fireworks, to make a bonfire and to burn on it a guy made of old clothes, straw and — if possible — one of father's old hats. On the days before November 5, one may see groups of children going about the streets with their faces blackened and wearing some fancy clothes. Sometimes they have a little cart with a guy in it. They ask the passers-by to give them ‘a penny for the guy’. With this money they buy fireworks for the festival.


*Gunpowder Plot - "Пороховой заговор" (неудавшийся заговор против английского короля Якова I и парламента 5 ноября 1605 г.)

*Guy Fawkes - Гай Фокс (наиболее активный участник "Порохового заговора"; его чучело сжигается 5-го ноября - в годовщину раскрытия заговора)

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