Introduction to the uk
aboard - на борту
amount - [ə´maunt] равняться (чему-л.); составлять; доходить до
angry: to get angry - рассердиться
annoying - раздражающий; досадный; надоедливый
approximately – [ə´pr Ɔksimətli] приблизительно
archipelago – [ֽa:rki´peləgəu] 1) архипелаг; группа островов
area - [´ɛəriə] площадь, территория, регион
as a whole - в целом, в совокупности
average – [´æv(ə)ridƷ] средний, обычный
ban - налагать запрет; запрещать
border – граница; граничить, находиться рядом
bore – [bƆ:] сверлить, бурить
borough – [´bΛrə] один из 32-х административных районов Лондона
chimney – [´t∫imni] дымоход, камин
citizenship - гражданство
coastline – [´kəustlain] береговая линия
common - общепринятый, распространённый, обыкновенный; обычный
commonwealth – [´kƆmənwelθ] 1) государство, содружество, 2) the Commonwealth of Nations Содружество (наций) (объединяет Великобританию и её бывшие доминионы и колонии, ныне независимые государства)
connect - соединять; объединять
contrary to - вопреки; несмотря на
county – [´kaunti] графство (административно-территориальная единица в Великобритании)
custom – [´kΛstəm] обычай, традиция
densely populated – густонаселенный
density – [´den(t)siti] плотность; концентрация
difference – [´dif(ə)r(ə)ns] разница; различие
distinct – [di´stiŋkt] отчётливый, чёткий, явный
drift - течение
extreme – [iks´tri:m] крайность
fertile – [´fə:tail] плодородный, богатый
figure – [´figə] цифра
fog - туман; дымка
frequently – [´fri:kwəntli] часто
Gaelic - [´geilik] 1) гэльский, гаэльский язык (язык шотландских кельтов) 2) любой из гойдельских языков (группа, включающая ирландский, шотландский и мэнский языки)
identity – [ai´dentəti] индивидуальность; своеобразие; отличительная черта
inhabitant – [in´hæbitənt] житель, обитатель
inland - 1) расположенный внутри страны; удалённый от моря или границы
islet – [´ailət] островок, маленький остров
landscape - ландшафт, пейзаж
Limey - сущ.; сниж. англичанин; английский матрос
location - положение, местоположение
longitude – [´lƆndƷitju:d] геогр. долгота
mountainous – [´mauntinəs] гористый, горный
occurrence – [ə´kΛrəns] инцидент, происшествие; частота, распространённость
on the whole - в целом
origin – [´ƆridƷin] 1) начало, источник 2) происхождение
Pommy - сущ.; австрал..; разг.; неодобр.; = pom англичанин
plain - равнина
prevent – 1) предотвращать 2) мешать, препятствовать
principality – [ֽprinsi´pæləti] княжество
properly - должным образом; как следует; правильно
recognize – [´rekəgnaiz] официально, формально признавать
refer to - иметь отношение, относиться; касаться
reference to - ссылка (на кого-л. / что-л.); упоминание (о ком-л. / чём-л.)
remainder - остаток; остатки, оставшаяся часть
ridge – гребень горы; горный хребет; горная цепь; водораздел
Sassenach – [´sæsənæk] сущ.; ирл.; шотл.; презр. англичанин
Scot - шотландец
scurvy - цинга
sighting – [´saitiŋ] вид; зрелище; образ (чего-л.)
slang – сленг, жаргон
soil - грунт, земля, почва
sovereign – [´sƆvərin] 1) монарх 2) суверенный, независимый
sparsely - редко, негусто
state - государство
surround - окружать
temperate – [´tempərət] умеренный (о климате и т. п.)
tend to - иметь тенденцию (к чему-л.); тяготеть, иметь склонность (к чему-л.)
term – термин, выражениe, способ выражения
unpredictable – [ֽΛnpri´diktəbl] непредсказуемый
untreated – необработанный
varied – [´vɛərid] различный, разнообразный
vary - разниться; отличаться, различаться, расходиться
vessel - корабль, судно;
Welsh - валлийцы (уроженцы Уэльса)
whereas – [wɛə´ræz] тогда как; несмотря на то, что
- Высочина о.В. Смолина л.В. Britain and the British
- Britain and the British
- Рецензенты:
- Предисловие
- Unit I. Introduction to the uk question time
- Text 1 time for reading
- The united kingdom
- Geography of the uk
- Words, words, words …
- 1. Fill in the gaps with the proper names from the text.
- What do the following numbers refer to in the text?
- Answer the questions using the information from the text.
- Text 2 time for reading
- Great britain
- Text 3 time for reading
- British or english?
- Words, words, words …
- 1. Find the odd term in each line. Explain your choice.
- 2. Explain the meaning of the words below.
- Time to write
- Unit II. History of the uk question time
- Invasion
- Words, words, words…
- Read the proper names and give their Russian equivalents. Use the dictionary if needed.
- Fill in the boxes showing the chronological order of the invasions of the British Isles with the names of invading peoples.
- Text 2 the story of the united kingdom
- 1. Which paragraph gives the following information? (1) – (8)
- 2. Answer the questions using the information from the text.
- 3. Fill in the gaps with the dates and time periods from the text.
- Text 3 time for reading
- The union jack
- 2. Answer the questions using the information from the text.
- Text 1 time for reading
- Do you speak english?
- What language do people speak in Britain?
- Why is English spoken with different accents?
- Speaking like a Brit
- 1. Match the transcription in the left column with the words to the right:
- 2. What do the following numbers and statistics refer to in the text?
- 3. Are the following statements true or false? Give the right answer if necessary:
- Text 3 slang words
- Is Russian the only language people speak in Russia?
- Text 1 england
- Words, words, words…
- 1. Fill in the gaps with one of the words (a-c).
- Find the odd term in each line.
- Text 2 s cotland
- Words, words, words …
- In each line find a word related to Scotland.
- Text 3 scotland is famous for …
- Words, words, words …
- Text 4 wales
- Words, words, words
- Fill in the gaps in the text with the words from the box.
- 2. Find in the text:
- Text 5 northern ireland
- Words, words, words…
- 1. End the statements:
- Words, words, words...
- G ordon brown
- 1. Answer the questions concerning the politician you’ve read about.
- Words, words, words...
- 4. Complete the following sentences with the collocations from exercise №2.
- Which person has had the most successful political career in your opinion? Why?
- Text 1 time for reading
- Trade in the uk. Goods manufactured and imported
- Energy and natural resources
- Industry
- Words, words, words…
- Divide the words below into groups.
- Divide the words below into two groups.
- Match the abbreviations and their definitions.
- Match economical terms with their definitions.
- Text 2 time for reading
- Farming (Agriculture)
- Services
- Economic recession
- Currency
- Words, words, words…
- 1. Find in the text:
- 2. Find the opposite in the text.
- Time to speak
- Give a brief presentation on the economic profile of the uk.
- Discuss in pairs economic situation in Russia and the difficulties it is going through in the period of economic recession. Unit VIII. British cuisine question time
- Time for reading
- Words, words, words...
- 1. Explain the following English words and word combinations.
- 2.Classify these words according to the headings in the table below.
- Time for reading
- 1. Work with a partner. Answer the questions about the typical Englishman.
- 2. Mindmap strategy. Work with a partner and complete the following mindmap about the typical Englishman.
- Words, words, words...
- 1. You are given a list of adjectives and expressions that are used to describe personality traits. Match them with the statements below. Use dictionary if necessary.
- Time for speaking
- 3. Find some sayings about the Russians or other nations and share what you found with a partner. Analyzing them try to make judgments about the typical features of the nations.
- Don’ts: taboos; what you are strongly recommended not to do in Britain
- Changing of the Guard
- Opening of Parliament
- The Ceremony of the Keys
- Swan Upping
- The Queen's Telegram
- Lord Mayor’s Show
- Words, words, words…
- Time to speak
- You and your friends are going to take a trip to London and you’re planning to visit some royal ceremony. Discuss which ceremony you would like to see and why.
- Text 1 time for reading
- Public holidays in the united kingdom
- Words, words, words…
- Words, words, words...
- 1. Study Christmas vocabulary below; find Russian equivalents to these words or expressions, if any:
- Fill in the gaps using the following words:
- Christmas Traditions in Britain
- The Night Of Hogmanay
- Boxing Day
- Saint Valentine’s Day
- Words, words, words…
- 1. Fill in the gaps in the New Year Quiz:
- 2. Fill in the gaps in the text with the words from the box:
- Text 4 spring holidays
- Pancake Day
- Mother’s Day
- Words, words, words…
- Text 5 April Fools' Day
- May Spring Festival
- Words, words, words…
- Text 6 summer holidays Summer Bank Holiday
- Words, words, words…
- Text 7 autumn holidays Halloween
- Guy Fawkes Night
- Remembrance Day
- Words, words, words…
- 1. Answer the questions about Halloween:
- Time to write
- Test yourself
- Unit 14. Supplements unit 2. History of the uk The flag of the United Kingdom of Great Britain. Quiz.
- Unit 4. Countries within a country What is England famous for?
- Unit 7. Economy in britain Top 10 uk Firms listed by market capitalisation
- Unit 8. British cuisine
- Black pudding
- Christmas pudding
- Unit 12. Royal traditions and ceremonies
- 6 Faq about the Queen
- 1. When and where was the Queen born?
- 2. Where does the Queen live?
- 4. What is Queen Elizabeth's surname?
- 5. When did Queen Elizabeth come to the throne?
- Some Interesting Facts about the Queen
- Unit 13. Holidays in britain Holidays and Notable Special Days in the uk
- The Twelve Days Of Christmas
- British Holidays Quiz
- Glossary Unit 1
- Introduction to the uk
- Unit 2 history of the uk
- Unit 3 languages of britain
- Unit 4 countries within a country
- Unit 5 the system of government
- Unit 6 two british firsts
- Unit 7 economy in britain
- Unit 8 british cuisine
- Unit 9 english stereotypes
- Unit 10 manners are important
- Unit 11 superstitions in britain
- Unit 12 royal traditions and ceremonies
- Unit 13 holidays in britain
- Использованная литература
- Использованные словари
- Интернет-ресурсы
- Содержание