отия УМКД

4 Семестр

Вопросы для первого рубежного контроля.

  1. Lexicology as a branch Linguistics

  2. Principal approaches in linguistic science

  3. Links of Lexicology with other branches of Linguistics

  4. Lexical Units

  5. Two approaches to the paradigm

  6. Varieties of Words

  7. Modern English Lexicology. Its Aims and Significance

  8. Semasiology

  9. Morphology. Morphemes. Morphological structure of English vocabulary.

  10. Major types and minor types of word-building.

  11. Etymology. Etymological structure of English vocabulary.

  12. Synonyms. Criteria of synonymy. Classification of synonyms.

  13. Homonyms. Sources of homonyms. Classification of homonyms.

  14. Developing a new meaning. Change of meaning. Reasons and types.

  15. Functional styles. Classification of English vocabulary according to functional styles.

  16. Lexicography. Aims, history. Types of dictionaries.

Вопросы для второго рубежного контроля.

  1. Phraseology. Aims, tasks, history. Differentiation between phraseological units and free word groups.

  2. Classification of phraseological units.

  3. Theoretical grammar. Aims, tasks, connections with branches of linguistics.

  4. Grammatical categories of a noun in English.

  5. Synthetical and analytical forms in the English language.

  6. Grammatical categories of a verb in the English language.

  7. Grammatical categories of an adjective and an adverb in English.

  8. Functional parts of speech. Modal words.

  9. Grammatical categories of a pronoun and a numeral in English.

  10. Lexical and grammatical meaning of a word.

  11. The main aspects of the language and the main branches of linguistics.