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Вариант I


In 2003 the volume of oil transportation services, the provision of which is the main activity of the Company, grew by 11 % compared to the 2002 level.

In the reporting period the volume of oil production in the Russian Federation amounted to 421.4 million tons, and the transport of Russian oil via the OJSC AK Transneft system constituted 94 % of the above referenced level having thus determined the dominant position of the Company in the area of oil transportation.

In 2003 OJSC AK Transneft transported oil on the basis of contracts with producers registered in the Register of Subsoil Users approved by the Ministry of Energy of Russia. The total of 155 contracts for oil transportation services were concluded during the reporting period, and additionally three long-term contracts continued with OJSC «Oil and Gas Company Slavneft, AM0C and JSC TotalFinaElf E&P».

In 2003 the total of 415.5 million tons of crude oil were accepted into the OJSC AK Transneft trunk oil pipeline system, thus exceeding the 2002 level by 41.1 million tons; 395.5 million tons out of these were accepted from the Russian producers, that is by 41.5 million tons higher that the 2002 level. Thus, the increase in the volumes of crude oil reception into the system is due, primarily, to the increase of the crude oil production by Russian oil producers.

In the context of the increased volumes of crude oil produced by Russian producers and accepted into the system, the volume of crude oil deliveries have seen a growth compared to the 2002 values: to the refineries in Russia – by 20.8 million tons, to the CIS refineries – by 4.6 million tons, and for worldwide export – by 16.8 million tons.

Exports to CIS-states reached in the aggregate 38.7 million tons in 2003, therefore the growth measures 3.4 million tons (or 10 %) compared to 2002.

Crude oil transferred for export to foreign states equaled the total of 168.8 million tons in 2003 compared to 151.1 million tons in 2002, having thus increased by 17.7 million tons or by 12 %.