Кубышко - нефте-газо

I. Вставьте пропущенные слова в предложения

1. In 2003 the volume of oil … service grew by 11 % compared to the 2002 level.

a) storage; b) production; c) transportation.

2. The volume of oil … in Russia amounted to 421.4 mln tons.

a) production; b) transportation; c) manufacturing.

3. 155 contracts for … transportation service were concluded during the reporting period.

a) oil; b) gas; c) petroleum.

4. Exports to CIS-states … in the aggregate 38.7 million tons in 2003.

a) become; b) grew; c) reached.

5. Crude oil transferred for export to foreign states … the total of 168.8 million tons in 2003.

a) reached; b) equaled; c) become.