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времена практика

§1. Формы глагола в страдательном залоге образуются при помощи вспомогательного глагола to be в соответствующем времени, лице, числе и причастия II смыслового глагола.

В страдательном залоге нет времен Perfect Continuous, Future Continuous и Future Continuous in the Past.



The Government take/takes (принимает предпринимает) a number of measures to strengthen the criminal justice system

A number r of measures to strengthen the criminal Justice system are taken (принимаются, предпринимаются) by the Government



The Government took (приняло, предприняло) a number of measures to strengthen the criminal Justice system.

A number of measures to strengthen the criminal justice system were taken (были приняты, предприняты) by the Government.



The Government will take (будет принимать примет, предпримет) а number of measures to strengthen the criminal Justice system

A number of measures to strengthen the criminal justice system will be taken (будут приняты, предприняты) by the Government.



The Government are/is taking (принимает, предпринимает) a number of measures to strengthen the criminal justice system.

A number of measures to strengthen the criminal Justice system are being taken (принимаются, предпринимаются сейчас) by the Government



The Government were/was taking (принимало, предпринимало) a number of measures to strengthen the criminal justice system for a few years.

A number of measures to strengthen the criminal Justice system were being taken (принимаюсь предпринимались) by the Government for a few years.



The Government will be taking (будет принимать, предпринимать) а number of measures to strengthen the criminal justice system.




The Government have/has just taken (только что приняло, предприняло) а number of measures to strengthen the criminal justice system.

A number of measures to strengthen the criminal justice system have just been taken (были только что приняты, предприняты) by the Government.



The Government will have taken (примет, предпримет) a number of measures to strengthen the criminal justice system by the end of the year.

A number of measures to strengthen the criminal justice system will have been taken (будут приняты) by the Government by the end of the year.



The Government had already taken (уже приняло, предприняло) a number of measures to strengthen (the criminal justice system by the beginning of the year.

A number of measures to strengthen the criminal justice system had already been taken (были приняты, предприняты) by the beginning of the year.


Perfect Continuous

The Government have/has been taking (принимает, предпринимает) a number of measures to strengthen the criminal justice system for a few years (уже несколько лет)



Perfect Continuous

The Government had been taking (принимало, предпринимало) а number of measures to strengthen the criminal justice system for a few years before the Criminal Justice (Scotland) Act 1987.



Perfect Continuous

By the end of this century the Government will have been taking (будет принимать, предпринимать) а number of measures to strengthen the criminal justice system for twenty years (уже).
