texts for oral translation / Oral 02-03

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The world’s political leaders may be a colourful lot, but the average Briton finds them less absorbing than the Big Brother1 survivor Kate Lawler or Phili Mitchell from EastEnders2.

Showing abysmal ignorance or commendable contentedness, according to your point of view, a poll has found that TV soaps and gameshows absorb the country far more than real-life global events.

Even Saddam Hussein was correctly identified by only a quarter of the 1,000 people surveyed. Russia’s leader, Vladimir Putin, was recognised by only 16% and no other leader, apart from George Bush and Jacques Chirac, managed to crawl above the 10% mark.

“We can only conclude from this report that Britain is dumbing down,” said Lauren Hill, editor of Whitaker’s Almanac, which commissioned the poll.

“At a time when much of the British population has become fanatical about celebrities, we believe the government has a major role to play in encouraging people to become more interested in current affairs and the world around us.”

While Tony Blair (83%) was high in “global leader” ratings, just above President Bush (82%), the government’s profile shrank when the punters were asked to name members of the current cabinet. Only 10% of respondents, who were aged 16 up, could name five senior ministers, less than a quarter of those (46%) who knew five characters from EastEnders. The biggest recognition-winners in the survey was Big Brother: 11% could name all three Big Brother winners from the last series, with 19% able to name two and 30% at least one.

THE GUARDIAN, Oct. 21, 2002