
14. Профессия юриста. Адвокаты в Великобритании.

У профессии юриста есть два отличных отделения: поверенные и адвокаты. Проще говоря, поверенные предоставляют юридическую консультацию, находят решения проблем и представляют клиентов на переговорах. Они проводят много времени, встречаясь с клиентами, исследуя случаи, сочиняя юридические документы, кооперируясь с другими профессионалами и представляя клиентов в суде.

Коммерческие клиенты призывают поверенных для совета относительно вопросов включая тяжбу, собственность, налог и финансы. Частные клиенты работают, обычно включает личные правовые вопросы, такие как завещания, собственность, составление нотариальных актов о передаче имущества, развод и заключение. Большинство поверенных работает в фирмах, которые могут измениться по размеру от огромных Городских фирм до найденных на улице любого города.

Поверенные нуждаются в широком диапазоне навыков. А также способность общаться с клиентами и развить хорошие рабочие отношения с ними, они должны быть в состоянии работать в тесном сотрудничестве с коллегами, обратить пристальное внимание, чтобы детализировать и быть готовыми много работать. Они также нуждаются в начальном и хорошем суждении, чтобы работать со сложной информацией.

Адвокат является специалистом в защите, который представляет случай в суде – но это не просто вопрос выдерживания во время испытания. Вообще говоря, случай мог бы прогрессировать этим способом:

- Поверенный обычно является первой остановкой, когда проблема возникает, и он или она имеет дело с ежедневной администрацией случая, прежде чем это прибудет к адвокату.

- Поверенный сокращает клерка в палаты адвокатов – выяснение у цитры для определенного человека или специалиста в определенной области – и клерк передает случай.

- Адвокат рассматривает важные вопросы закона и исследований предыдущие подобные случаи. Он или она тогда поставляет совет специалиста и делает защиту, если случай обращается в суд.

- В суде адвокат представляет случай, подвергает перекрестному допросу свидетелей и обсуждает проблемы. Много случаев включают предварительное слушание, сопровождаемое временным слушанием, и наконец полным испытанием. Нет никакой 'типичной' длины для случая. Для маленьких вопросов адвокат может получить инструкции ночь перед, случай и слушание могут быть закончены в течение дня. Другие длятся намного дольше – некоторые случаи занимают годы. В очень усложненном ситуацию, адвокат будет работать в тесном сотрудничестве с поверенными и младшими коллегами в течение долгого времени, прежде чем случай прибудет в суд.

У адвокатов должны быть хорошие полномочия убеждения, ли устный или письменный, и быть в состоянии объяснить сложные вопросы так, чтобы их клиенты, члены жюри или неспециалисты были в состоянии следовать за аргументом ясно.

Есть приблизительно 14000 адвокатов, занимающихся в Великобритании, в то время как есть более чем 90000 поверенных. Большинство адвокатов – приблизительно 11000 – находится в частной практике. Обычно они - работающая не по найму работа в палатах. Они разделяют административные расходы и нанимают клерка, который заказывает в случаях и договаривается о сборах от их имени. Приблизительно 3000 адвокатов наняты или фирмами поверенных или некоторыми крупными коммерческими организациями или работой для Службы уголовного преследования (CPS) или Юридической службы правительства.

  1. Great Britain. London. Sightseeing in London.

Great Britain is situated on the British Isles. It consists of England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, and is one thirtieth the size of Europe. Great Britain is surrounded by seas on all sides and is separated from the continent by the North Sea and the English Channel. There are many rivers in Britain. They are not long but some of them are deep. The longest river is the Severn. There are many mountains in the north of England and in Scotland but they are not very high. The highest mountain in Great Britain is Ben Nevis. There are many lakes in Scotland. The most beautiful is Loch Lomond. Great Britain has a very good position as it lies on the crossways of the sea routes from Europe to the other parts of the world. There are many countries which are connected with Great Britain by sea. Thanks to Gulf Stream the climate of Great Britain is mild. It is often foggy and rainy. The summer is not very hot and the winter is not very cold. Great Britain is a highly developed industrial country. It lives by manufacture and trade. Its agriculture provides only half the food it needs, the other half of its food has to be imported. Britain is one of the most highly industrialised countries in the world: for every person employed in agriculture, eleven are employed in mining, manufacturing and building. The main branches of British economy are engineering, mining, ship-building, motor vehicle manufacturing, textile, chemistry, electronics, fishing and food processing. The industrial centres of Great Britain are London, Manchester, Birmingham, Leeds, Liverpool, Sheffield and others.

London is the capital of Great Britain, its political, economic and cultural centre. It’s one of the largest cities in the world. Its population is more than 9 million people. London is situated on the river Thames. It was founded more than two thousand years ago.

London is an ancient city. It appeared at the place where the Roman invaders decided to build a bridge over the Thames. There are four parts in London: West End, East End, the City and Westminster.

The City is the oldest part of London, its financial and business centre. There are many offices, companies and banks in this part of the capital. The heart of the City is the Stock Exchange. The Tower of London and St Paul’s Cathedral are situated in the City.

Westminster is also important part of the capital. It’s the administrative centre of London. The Houses of Parliament, the seat of the British Government, are there. Opposite the Houses of Parliament is Westminster Abbey where kings and queens have been crowned and many famous people were buried. The Houses of Parliament are often referred to as the Palace of Westminster.

The Towers of the Houses of Parliament stand high above the city. On the highest tower there is the largest clock in the country, Big Ben. Big Ben strikes every quarter of an hour.

To the west of Westminster is West End, the richest part of London. It is full of luxury hotels, super-markets, cinemas and concert-halls. In the centre of the West End the Trafalgar Square is situated with the famous statue of Lord Nelson.

To the east of Westminster is East End, an industrial district of the capital. Most of plants and factories are situated there.

The official London residence of the Queen is Buckingham Palace. The palace was built in 1703 by the Duke Buckingham. The daily ceremony of the Changing of the Guard takes place in its courtyard.

There are many museums in London. For example, the British Museum, the Natural History Museum, the Science Museum. The British Museum is the biggest museum in London. The museum is famous for its library — one of the richest in the world.

There are many beautiful parks in London. St James’s Park, Green Park, Hyde Park, and Kensington Gardens are linked together and form above 300 hectares of parkland in the heart of London.

Sightseeing tours in London usually start in Trafalgar Square. Ifs the centre of London, and I think ifs the best starting point for anybody's tour of the English capital. Tourists are particularly impressed by the Nelson Column there in the centre of die square. You can see it in many pictures, but you should see it in reality. Imagine, if s 185 feet high.

From Trafalgar Square you can go along down Whitehall and see the Houses of Parliament which stand in Parliament Square. It is a very large square. And no people around, only a tall policeman in the middle. The Houses of Parliament is a tag building that stretches for about 1,000 feet. At one end is the famous Big Ben. Behind is the Thames and Westminster Bridge. Of course, I'd like to mention Westminster Abbey. Westminster Abbey is a beautiful old chapel. It seems that the walls are all made of glass and it is surprising that they can hold a heavy stone ceiling like that. The oldest part of the Abbey is very ancient — it dates back to the 8th century. In the Abbey one sees several tombs that are made of gold and precious stones. Many English kings and queens are buried here. The south side of the Abbey is called die Poets' Comer where many of the most famous English writers are buried: Chaucer, Charles Dickens, Tennyson and Thomas Hardy. Here, too, are memorials to Shakespeare, Byron, Scott, Burns and Thackeray.

I must say that in London one meets the past and the present, the old and the modern. It is a city of contrasts.

If you are tired of walking about London, you can get on a bus — a double-decker, of course, and you can see everything very well from the top deck. The first impression is an endless stream of traffic — buses, axes, cars. As you get off the bus, yo can come across a pavement artist or a musician playing a guitar or a pipe.

London consists of three parts: the rich West End, the poor East End and City - its financial centre. Today over 50,000 ships come to London fly, and the part of the Thames where the London port is situated is the busiest waterway in the world.

I am interested in the history of London. I did a lot of reading on it. What impressed me mostly in the history of London is the Great Fire of London. It happened in the middle of the 17th century. The fire burnt for five days and destroyed the greater part of the city which was built with wooden houses. A monument near London Bridge still marks the spot where the fire broke out Sir Christopher Wren, the famous architect of that day, took part in rebuilding the city. After the fire wider streets and brick houses were built. The old church of St. Paul was among the buildings destroyed by the fire. In its place Wren built the present beautiful St. Paul's Cathedral. He lies buried under the roof of his own great work. These words are written on his grave:"If you want to see his monument, look around".