
The definition of intonation. Componentes of intonation. Structural and functional approaches to the problem of its components (28)

Broadly speaking, intonation is a complex unity of closely related prosodic means, which convey different intonational (logical) and emotional attitudes.

Intonation can show how close or loose the links between the parts за a compound or complex sentence are, and which is the main clause. Much comment is given by phoneticians to the ability of intonation to change a statement into a question, and that also referred to as a gr-l meaning

The existing definitions of intonation differ to a very great extent. It manifests itself in:

The main reason for this can be seen in different approaches of linguists to the function of these components.

Components of intonation, Prosodic features

Acoustic fundamental intensity duration spectrum absence of

level frequency speech signals


level II pitch force length tamber interval in
