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Морозовой методичка

Tomorrow’s techiology

Прочитайте и запомните следующие слова и словосочетания:

leak - утечка

multiphase flow - многофазное течение

regulations - правило, инструкция

highlight - выдвигать на первый план

looping - обводной трубопровод, лупинг

offshore - шельфовый, прибрежный

reel-ray barge - (зд.) плавучий кран

directed drilling - наклонное бурение

trench - траншея

susceptibility - восприимчивость

sophisticated - сложный

The search continues for better answers to pipeline const­ruction, operation, and maintenance problems, many of which have plagued pipeline designers, builders, and operators for years. Improved technology will continue to be developed in all these areas. Special emphasis is expected on leak detection, multiphase flow, corrosion prevention, and metering.

In addition, new challenges have been posed by the conti­nued discovery of oil and gas in deep water and in severe on­shore environments, by regulations that require special tech­niques to protect the environment, and by the need to improve efficiency as operating and construction costs escalate. The few areas of development highlighted here are not the only tech­nological advances being pursued. Pipeline researchers and de­velopers were heading in several directions in the early 1980s:

1. The use of flow improvers to increase the capacity of liquids pipelines without adding pump horsepower or looping a line.

2. More use of specialized offshore equipment, such as the reel-lay barge, to reduce construction costs.

3. For laying pipelines in very deep water, development of the vertical pipelay method.

4. Increasing use of directional drilling techniques for crossing rivers and channels.

5. Further development of underwater flows for trenching offshore pipelines to reduce their susceptibility to damage.

6. Techniques for more accurate measurement of both natural gas and liquids - a need brought on by the severalfold increase in petroleum product prices.

7. More sophisticated equipment and methods to monitor pipeline rotating equipment to reduce the cost of failure.

8. Increased capability of computer control systems for pipeline operation and monitoring.

9. Improved methods of pipeline leak detection to protect the environment and avoid the loss of valuable product.

10. Continued development and expanded use of automated welding techniques and equipment.

The future

Pipelines will be the most economical way to transport oil, gas, and petroleum products overland in the foreseeable future. It is apparent that the oil and gas industry has the basic technology needed to build and operate pipelines in almost any environment.

Most future advances in oil and gas pipeline technology will also be gradual improvements in efficiency and capability. Few dramatic changes are expected.

Welding will continue to be the best method for joining pipe, for instance, although new procedures will be developed. Offshore pipelines will continue to be installed from lay barges, but lay barge capability will be increased to handle deeper water.

The continuing challenge facing pipeline designers and opera­tors is to reduce construction costs and improve operating effi­ciency. Most of the technology required in the coming years will not be revolutionary, but the need for innovative approaches to lower cost and higher efficiency has never been greater.